21 September 2009

Wake up call

All the little details of fixing things around the house and remodeling can sometimes add up to unexpected fun. The house at school is from 1915 and needs a little work, so K's dad was working here last week while I was studying for exams. We've installed nifty smoke/CO detectors which communicate wirelessly so an alarm in the basement causes the detector on the second floor to activate. Pretty handy when your furnace is in the basement, less so when your chimney is under repair. K and dad had unhooked the chimney on Friday to insert a liner, found out the company shorted them 5 feet of liner and left it unhooked awaiting delivery of the missing 5 feet. Liner still hadn't showed up on Wednesday as the weather cooled with a night time low near 40 degrees. Everyone thought someone else had turned the furnace off and nobody had. 0430 rolls around with an ear-piercing "FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Evacuate!" (did I mention the detectors talk?) followed by the same message in Spanish, at something like 90 decibels. My exam wasn't until 10a, but I was pretty well awake after that. I guess that's one way to avoid the dreaded oversleeping an exam.

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