So, noticeable lack of posting lately is due to complete lack of energy and inability to write about things that are suitable for public consumption. I'm struggling with a renewed sense that I need to watch my back 24-7, be entirely politically correct in all forums and at all times and generally not enjoy life quite so much any more. Can I have fun and not offend people? Maybe, but not lately. I'm undecided on continuing to post here at all but I promise to let you know if I quit entirely.
Don't quit, Jen.
It's really better to use this as a place to bounce frustrations, ideas, hopes, fears, etc., off of the rest of us. And sometimes it's hard to do this - I know it to be true. However, if you stop, then the things that vex you will have won you over.
So, please - don't quit.
I second what walt says. Blogging is good for the soul. And who cares who you offend?
Besides, where else will I get my rock updates?!
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