14 February 2007


New Hampshire doesn't really do things half-assed. Today, I do not have a "snow day", I have a "blizzard day". The office job actually closed (first time in the 5 years I've been there) because of the snow. Granted, that location was forecasted for 3" last night, 12-18" during the day today, and another 4-6" tonight. Here at Casa de Jen, we're not supposed to get quite that quantity but our afternoon precip is forecasted as freezing rain and/or sleet before changing back to snow, so we'll have that helpful layer of ice in the middle of the snow.

Here's the decision...I work from home, people who work on-site don't have to work today, so do I work or not? Would I like the day off? Sure. I'm ambulancing it 10h tomorrow, 10 on Friday and 24 on Saturday, so a little leisure today would be nice. Would I feel guilty kicking my feet up on the couch while my computer sits idle in the office? Yup. But I'm thinking getting some work done this morning might just be able to counter that guilt for the afternoon - especially when I'm out shoveling the driveway.

EDITED 20:10: I can conclusively say that I no longer feel guilty for taking the afternoon off, clearly a day with no new email means a day when nobody was workign. 2 40-minute shovelings of the driveway also mean that I have no guilt for not exercising today either!

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